Make Someone Feel Special This International Love Note Day

Did you know there’s a day dedicated to writing love notes to your special someone? 26th September is a celebration for the true romantics, an excuse to pour your heart out (if you need one). We at NoteCube think any day is a good day to tell someone that you love them and why they mean the world to you, but we’ll also welcome a day that officially celebrates the love note.

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Love Notes for the Ages

Love notes have a presence throughout our entire lifetime, just in different forms and significance. They start from a young age at school, passing folded pieces of paper in class or your friend giving a note to your love interest’s friend. The actions are innocent and you don’t quite understand the weight of them, but it’s a love note nonetheless.

In the later years of high school, love notes are likely to become more intense as hormones come into play and teenagers experience their first love. A few words turn into a poem that runs all the way down an A4 piece of paper, with tea stains and burns around the edge to make it look worn and rolled up like a scroll. It’s taken so much effort that it’s worth keeping in a shoebox (and yes, some of us at NoteCube do indeed have such shoeboxes).

Of course, it’s unrealistic to expect such effort all of the time in a long-term relationship after the whirlwind has settled. However, this doesn’t mean the love notes have to end altogether. The beauty of the commitment of cohabiting is that you’re given more opportunities to write love notes on a whim - ‘Have a great day’ on a post-it note in their lunchbox, an ‘I love you’ scrawl in the condensation on the bathroom mirror, or a random text in the middle of the day, just because.

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Sometimes It’s In The Way You Say It

No matter how long you’ve been together, there are occasions and opportunities that call for a love note. Take the NoteCube - every day, we make them for couples who have been together a short time and a long time; young couples and couples who are clearly enjoying their retirement together; for anniversaries, birthdays, weddings and Valentine’s Day.

Inspired by International Love Note Day, we pondered about some of our favourite romantic phrases.

‘Thank you for always supporting and encouraging me to fulfil my wildest dreams. Because of you, I truly believe that together we can do anything.’

‘There are seven billion smiles in this world but yours will always be my favourite.’

‘I trust you with all of my heart and I promise that you’ll always be able to trust and depend on me too.’

Some are cheesy while others make us vulnerable and speak honestly from the heart. We all have favourite love notes that vary in tone and style, but one aspect we found to agree on was that, looking back on our experiences of love notes through our lifetime, how the note was delivered was just as important as the words themselves - a surprise, somewhere you’d least expect it, or presented in a beautiful way…

We like to think that a NoteCube not only delivers on message, but experience. It tells someone how special they are, in a way that they deserve. Did someone say ‘International Love NoteCube Day’?...

Make someone feel extra special this International Love Note Day on 26th September.

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