12 Signs You Have a True Friend for Life

You’ll probably have many friendships during your lifetime. There are those that will come and go, but true friends are worth keeping hold of, as the quality of the friendship is worth so much more than the number of friends we have. To know that you have a true friend for life, look out for the 12 signs below.

1. You Leave Them Feeling Good

A real friend should lift you up and boost your spirits when you’re down. If you think of your mental health and wellbeing as a bank account, they deposit as well as take.

2. They Listen To You

They have a genuine interest in your life, so when you talk, they don’t interrupt you, and offer meaningful responses.


3. They Want To Do Things You Both Like

You may have plenty in common that makes you great friends, but you’re still bound to have your differences. The test of true friendship is whether you’re both happy to do activities that don’t necessarily excite you, because you know the other person enjoys them.

4. They’re Honest With You

A real friend trusts you and doesn’t lie to you. They always have your best interests at heart. Their trust in you encourages you to reciprocate.

5. You Feel You Can Tell Them Anything Without Judgement

Your friendship is an open book and they make you feel secure enough that you can tell them anything. They may offer you advice, but they wouldn’t make you feel bad about anything you tell them.


6. You Don’t Go Too Long Without Hearing From Them

As busy as life can get, your friend makes you a priority. They may get a new partner or move further away, but they check in regularly so your friendship isn’t neglected. It’s a matter of needing and wanting you in their life.

7. They Celebrate Your Successes

A good friend recognises that your achievements don’t overshadow theirs or cause any struggles they may have in their life. They want the best for you and enjoy the celebrations with you.

8. They Call You Out When You’re Wrong

As much as you feel safe telling them the truth, they also feel safe to tell you when they think you’re wrong. It’s not driven by feelings of superiority, but because they want you to be the best person you can be.


9. They Don’t Get Jealous When You See Other People

If your friend is secure enough in your friendship, they won’t get jealous of you having other friends and spending time with them. As long as you don’t neglect one for the other, they’ll understand you have a life outside of them.

10. They Never Ask You To Lie For Them

A true friend will never put you in an uncomfortable situation just for their benefit, including lying for them.

11. Anything Confidential Stays That Way

You tell them something and it goes no further than the two of you.


12. They Never Talk About You Behind Your Back

Anything they need to say, they can say to your face. What could be so bad that they would need to say it behind your back?

Say thanks to your true friends and show them how much they mean to you with a NoteCube!


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