10 Questions to Ask Your Partner to See if You’re Truly Compatible

We’re all unique - it’s what makes us so interesting. However, when it comes to romantic relationships, compatibility is important for long-term potential. You don’t need to agree on everything or have had the same experiences as your partner, but big differences may cause stress in the future. Answer the questions below to find out if you and your partner are truly compatible.

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1. Where did you grow up?

This may seem like a basic question early on in a relationship, but it can be the doorway to finding out more about what made your partner who they are today, their childhood, their background - even their relationship with their parents. How open they are with you also demonstrates how much they trust you and can be vulnerable with you.

2. Do you want children?

Whether a significant other wants children or not is a deal-breaker for most people. It’s a huge, life-changing responsibility, so being on the same page is vital - if you’re certain you do want them, and they’re insisting that they don’t, it’s an instant red flag that you’re not compatible. Finding out early will save time for both of you. The same can be said for if you’re an animal lover and you see fur babies in your future.

3. What do you think of the president/prime minister?

Their response to this question tells you where they stand on serious issues. Again, you don’t need to agree with your partner on everything, but having opposing views and ideas on social and economic matters can cause enormous strain on your relationship.

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4. Is marriage important to you?

Like having children, getting married is an element of a relationship that matters to some people, but not to others. It may be desired because it symbolises commitment, they want the ‘big wedding’, they want to share the same surname, or due to religious beliefs. On the other hand, such a tradition may seem unnecessary today. Whatever the reasons for or against marriage, it’s advisable to learn early on where they land on the subject.

5. Who would be your dream dinner party guests?

It’s a fun question, but helps you find out more about them based on the famous people they take an interest in. Would you choose similar names? Do the people they list excite you or have you not even heard of them? The extent to which your dinner party guest list mirrors theirs suggests how much you have in common.

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6. Where’s your favourite place you’ve visited?

This helps you find out more about the experiences they’ve had and what they’ve done with their life up to this point. You’ll be able to discover how much they’ve travelled, if they’re keen to travel in the future, or if they’re complete homebodies. The purpose is to see if your interests and future plans match up.

7. Are you/do you want to get on the property ladder?

This will guide you on how much your priorities align. If you want to lay down roots while they want more freedom and less responsibility; if they’re saving to go travelling while you want to invest your money in real estate, chances are your relationship won’t have much longevity because you don’t want the same things long-term.

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8. Where do you see yourself in five years?

It’s a bit of a cliche, but for good reason. Most of us enter into relationships with the future in mind, so this question enables you to judge whether you fit into theirs and vice versa. It will also tell you quite a lot about them - do they have ambition? Are they doing what they want to do now? Do they want children soon or at all? Do they plan on living elsewhere?

9. What are your values?

Your values are what you consider to be the most important aspects of life and therefore determine how you live, because your actions and choices shouldn’t hurt them. If your partner has the same or similar values to you, you should find you agree even on life’s toughest decisions, and experiencing it with them will be much smoother with fewer obstacles or hurdles. Talking to them about what matters to you should also be received with respect.

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10. What do you like most about being in a relationship?

Here’s where you can find out whether you’re both looking for the same thing in a relationship. Do they like to spend as much time together as possible, while you prefer a bit more freedom? Do they want someone for physical intimacy, for conversation or for companionship?

If you’ve found someone you’re truly compatible with, tell them so with a NoteCube.


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