The Best Relationship Advice We've Ever Received

Here at NoteCube, we pride ourselves on helping people express their feelings towards another with messages of love and appreciation. However, we’ve also received plenty of help ourselves to weave through the inner workings of a relationship. Here’s some of the best and most valuable relationship advice we can pass on.

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Count to 10

When caught up in an argument with your partner, count to 10 before replying. The aim is to help you stay calm and give you more time to think about your reply, preventing you from making rushed, thoughtless comments. This is easier to do when the argument is over text or a messenger app - if you’re face-to-face, try taking a deep breath as an alternative.

Communication is the Key to a Happy Relationship

As a team, we’ve found that so many of our previous grievances in a relationship could have been avoided by more or better communication. Talking - and listening - can help a range of issues between partners, from the everyday such as being on the same page for plans to the more serious matter of expressing our feelings.

Speak Each Other’s Love Language

Have you heard about the five languages of love as proposed by author Gary Chapman? The theory suggests that we show and receive love through gifts, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and words of affirmation. People are likely to favour one or two of these, specifically. One of our team members was encouraged by a friend to acknowledge which one(s) they and their partner respond to after they made a conscious effort to speak their own partner’s language and saw a very positive response.

Never go to Bed Angry

The bed is where we have our most intimate moments as a couple, so one of our Love Note Apprentices avoids tarnishing this space with negativity by clearing the air before going to bed. This helps them sleep more soundly and, if discussion is still required the following morning, it will be done so in a more positive atmosphere.

If it Won’t Matter in a Year, Try to Not Let it Upset You Now

This advice encourages us to think more long-term about any one-off issues or niggles in our relationship. Is it worth the stress or upset it may cause now, if you won’t even think about it in a year’s time? Don’t undervalue your feelings, but keep in mind that you may look back on the stress it caused with more heartache than the actual thing that caused the stress itself.

See how a NoteCube could speak your partner’s love language.


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